Saturday, September 6, 2008

I am ready for my close up Mama!!

Hurrican Hanna made today a rainy, quiet Saturday... So I decided to take some pics of the pups while M worked on the computer... [UPDATE: we are back in business!! Technical problems solved - so I can post with abandon again!!!] But back to the pics... I actually got some GREAT shots!!! Here is my sweet Tuff enjoying the first sunbeam after the rain ended...

Not to be out done - here is Lily Luv in her furry, fabulous glory!!! I have to use the shutter setting usually reserved for action shots... The icon on the camera is literally a stick figure of a sprinter!!!! Lily moves so quick I have countless pics of the side of her head if I don't use this setting... I have to sacrifice some light in the pics - but it is worth it!!!!

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